Installation openturns & otmorris within Anaconda 2020


currrently I have Anaconda 2020 installed on my computer
so it’s python 3.7

I have not the choice
Anaconda is the best way for us to get numpy, matplotlib etc

I wonder what is the best way to install openturns and otmorris within Anaconda ?

can I load related archives on “conda forge” website and then run “conda install” command ?
are administrator rights necessary for that ?

in joined screenshot : why there are 4 different commands to run “conda install” ?

thanks a lot !


je viens de passer à une version python installée avec le package Anaconda 2020
Donc python 3.7
(avant j’étais en python 2.7 avec python(x,y))

Je n’ai pas le choix, la DSI nous limite beaucoup sur les installations possibles

je me demande dans ce cas quelle est la meilleure façon d’installer les modules openturns et otmorris ?

est-ce que je télécharge les archives depuis le site conda forge et je lance ensuite la commande conda install ? faut-il les droits admin pour cela ?


I managed to install openturns and otmorris

openturns installation with installation executable (for me “openturns-1.17-py3.8-x86_64.exe”) found on website
otmorris from archive *.tar.bz2 (loaded on conda forge site), installed from an Anaconda Powershell prompt with command line “conda install --offline D:\Users\Public\MES_OUTILS\otmorris-0.10-py38h2281b67_0.tar.bz2”


Installing OpenTURNS with conda is simple and efficient, but may be inefficient if done improperly. This is because the dependencies must be downloaded consistently. For example, a poor way to install OpenTURNS would be to install Anaconda, then “pip install openturns”.

I suggest to read the “conda” section of the help page :

Admin rights are not required.
Notice that otmorris was made available (thanks Julien ! :slight_smile: ) with pip :

