Provide directly the isoprobabilistic transformation during FORM


Is it possible to directly provide the isoprobabilistic transformation using FORM instead of defining the distribution and letting Openturns estimates the isoprobabilistic transformation?


Hi !
As documented by @KieranDelamotte in the example help page the isoprobabilistic transform is a property of the input distribution :

transformation = distribution.getIsoProbabilisticTransformation()
inverseTransformation = distX.getInverseIsoProbabilisticTransformation()

This is why you cannot, with the current interface, provide the iso-probabilistic transformation to the FORM approximation. The way it is implemented is as follows.

  • The FORM class is based on the run() method of the Analytical class.
  • The Analytical class creates a StandardEvent:
  • The StandardEvent creates the inverse iso-probabilistic mapping:

I cannot see any point where you could be able to provide a inverse mapping. Anyway, what would be the transformation that you need that is not already implemented?

In the case you want to use your own mapping, why not implementing the FORM approximation using your own code? I ask this because the library already provide all the necessary intermediate building blocks, so that this should involved only a minimum amount of code: you can re-use the existing optimization libraries (including AbdoRackwitz), estimate the P_f using the FORM approximation and create your own FORMResult object, using the results that you got from your own code.



Thank you for this detailed and quick answer. Yes, I think the easiest is what you suggest: use the OpenTURNS blocks to define my own approximation of the FORM. Thanks :slight_smile:

Best regards,