Predict new value POD Summary

I trained the models as this example

In case, I turned on all the POD methods, the results of “POD.getMethodActive()” should be like the below:

{'LinearGauss': True,
 'LinearBinomial': True,
 'LinearKernelSmoothing': True,
 'QuantileRegression': True,
 'PolynomialChaos': True,
 'Kriging': True}

I want to predict new output values for the new input data (for example: [4.5, 4.2, 1.1, 2.6]) using the trained models,
If the model is Kriging, I predicted the new output like,

POD.getKrigingPOD().getKrigingResult().getMetaModel()(POD._PODkriging._transformation([4.5, 4.2, 1.1, 2.6]))

How about the other models? How can I predict new output values using them?