Otagrum computeConditionalCDF


I’m not an expert in statistics, but I am using OTAgrum for my master thesis. My task is to combine Bayesian Networks with copulas.

I trained the network with my data (10.000 x 5) → 5 Nodes and sampling and comparing the distributions looks good so far.

However, I don’t really understand the documentation for the computeConditionalCDF function.

For example if I want to compute the CDF that Node C <= 50 under the condition that Node A = 2 and Node B = 3 (assuming A and B are parents of C)

In the code it would be something like

xj = 50 
xcond = [2, 3]

conditional_pdf = lcbn.computeConditionalCDF(xj, xcond)

print(f"Conditional PDF at {xj}, given {xcond}:")

But I can’t find a way e.g. to compute the CDF of e.g. parameter 3 and set parameters 0,1,2,4 as conditions.

Hope you can help me with that.


hi, there are at least 2 possibilities for this:

  • Use PointConditionalDistribution to freeze components, and call computeCDF on that object
  • Use getMarginal([0, 1, 2, 4, 3]) to swap components 3 and 4 and use computeConditionalCDF on the result (hackish)
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