We have a Field
with index parameter in 2D and scalar value and we want to compute its L^2 norm:
\|X\|_{L^2}^2 = \int_\mathcal{D} X(\omega,{\bf t})^2 d{\bf t}
Is there a method in OT to compute this? Otherwise, it is necessary to take into account the function values and the volume of the vertices with Mesh.computeWeights()
, which is doable more requires some computations.
Best regards,
It is quite tricky. I can see several options:
- Approximate the true squared L^2 norm using a quadrature rule in the spirit of the midpoint rule (it is exactly this rule for 1D meshes). For that, use mesh.computeWeights()
- Compute the the exact squared L^2 norm of a piecewise interpolation of the field given its values at the vertices. For that, use mesh.computeP1Gram()
Here is a script to compare these options, as well as reference values obtained using adaptive quadratures of the model or the P_1 interpolation:
import openturns as ot
integrator = ot.GaussKronrod(65536, 1e-15, ot.GaussKronrodRule(ot.GaussKronrodRule.G7K15))
# The reference function
model = ot.SymbolicFunction("x", "sin(x+x^2/4)")
# An helper function
square = ot.SymbolicFunction("x", "x^2")
N = 10
domain = ot.Interval(-2.0, 2.0)
mesh = ot.IntervalMesher([N]).build(domain)
# Here we deform the mesh in order to have a nonuniform sampling of the domain
deform = ot.SymbolicFunction("x", "x+0.1*sin(pi_*x)")
# g = mesh.draw()
# g.add(model.draw(domain.getLowerBound(), domain.getUpperBound()))
# Show(g)
# Exact squared L2 norm using adaptive quadrature #
refL2NormSquared = integrator.integrate(ot.ComposedFunction(square, model), domain)[0]
print("refL2NormSquared =%.12g" % refL2NormSquared, "rel. err=%.4e" % abs(1-refL2NormSquared/refL2NormSquared))
# Mid-point approximation of the true squared L2 norm using the mesh weights #
values = model(mesh.getVertices())
field = ot.Field(mesh, values)
fieldSquared = ot.ValueFunction(square, mesh)(field)
weightL2NormSquared = fieldSquared.asPoint().dot(mesh.computeWeights())
print("weightL2NormSquared=%.12g" % weightL2NormSquared, "rel. err=%.4e" % abs(1-weightL2NormSquared/refL2NormSquared))
# Exact squared L2 norm of a P1 interpolation using the P1 Gram matrix #
gram = mesh.computeP1Gram()
gramL2NormSquared = values.asPoint().dot(gram*values.asPoint())
print("gramL2NormSquared =%.12g" % gramL2NormSquared, "rel. err=%.4e" % abs(1-gramL2NormSquared/refL2NormSquared))
# Exact squared L2 norm of a P1 interpolation using adaptive quadrature #
myFieldSquaredFunction = ot.ComposedFunction(square, ot.Function(ot.P1LagrangeEvaluation(field)))
quadL2NormSquared = integrator.integrate(myFieldSquaredFunction, domain)[0]
print("quadL2NormSquared =%.12g" % quadL2NormSquared, "rel. err=%.4e" % abs(1-quadL2NormSquared/refL2NormSquared))
I get the following results:
refL2NormSquared =1.82317483123 rel. err=0.0000e+00
weightL2NormSquared=1.84393295915 rel. err=1.1386e-02
gramL2NormSquared =1.74962050461 rel. err=4.0344e-02
quadL2NormSquared =1.74962050461 rel. err=4.0344e-02
As you can see, there are several ways to do the job. The cheapest option (and here, the most accurate one) is based on the mesh weights. If your mesh has n vertices in dimension d and m simplexes, it needs a storage of size n for a computational cost \mathcal{O}(md). The option based on the Gram matrix needs a storage of size n^2 (no sparse representation of the Gram matrix) and a computational cost \mathcal{O}(md^2). Note that this last option is essentially a one-liner.
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thanks, I’m coding the norm for the mesh weights then